Many individuals give of themselves tirelessly to our organization and industry, so it is important that they be duly recognized and honored, and more importantly, thanked for their efforts. The DHI Awards Committee determines who should be honored within our industry.
Some of the awards include:
Founders Award
The Institute’s highest and most prestigious award recognizes significant and outstanding technical expertise and service to the Institute or to the architectural openings industry over an extended period of time.
Fellow DHI Award
The Fellow Award is the Institute’s second highest award based on service and is conferred on any DHI member who is deemed to have contributed significant and outstanding service to the Institute or to the architectural openings industry.
Distinguished Consultant Award
This award is the Institute’s second highest award based on technical expertise. It may be conferred on a DHI consultant member for significant contributions to the Door and Hardware industry.
Award of Merit
This award is reserved for presentation to any individual (member or non-member) who has rendered outstanding contributions to the advancement of the aims and objectives of the Institute and of the architectural openings industry in any capacity.
Pinnacle Award
The DHI Pinnacle Award recognizes affiliate organizations of the Door and Hardware Institute who have excelled in their efforts to help advance life safety and security in the built environment.
And more.. CLICK HERE for a list of past DHI Award Recipients.